
Becoming a values-led organisation


Becoming a values-led organisation

One of our aims as we create our new University strategy is to become a values-led organisation.

This means having a clear sense of who we are and what we stand for, which is expressed in a set of shared values statements, which then guide all areas of what we do from our strategy and decision-making to our internal practices and processes and how we communicate and work together.  Values must resonate and be authentic, and so we have created an engagement-rich process to defining them. 


Our work so far

In September and October staff were invited to join conversations about what is most important to us, to help shape our values statements. We aimed to make this exercise as inclusive as possible, reaching staff from across the University, from different disciplines and professions and representing all aspects of our community.

We also conducted 16 conversations across all schools and departments with more than 350 staff attending, including our RH100 student focus group

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