Oct 24 2019

You may have received emails that appeared to have been written by someone at the College, advertising a book keeper/funds processor job opportunity. The emails asked students who were interested in the role to contact a specific Gmail address.
Unfortunately, these emails were not sent by a staff member but were created by an unknown and malicious third party.  
The College acted quickly to remove the email from student inboxes and to block the Gmail address so that it could not be contacted from the College system. However, we understand that a number of students did contact the Gmail address, including from their own personal accounts, and may have sent across CVs and other information.

It’s really important to us that our students receive the right help and support. If you have contacted the Gmail account and provided information or services to the third party, please get in touch with our student advisors at studentadvisoryandwellbeing@royalholloway.ac.uk or come to one of our drop-ins for individual support. Please also immediately stop communicating with, and block, the Gmail address.

Drop-ins are all in Founder’s East First Floor - FE-139




Monday 28 October

10 – 11am

2 – 3pm

Tuesday 29 October

10 – 11am

2 – 3pm

Wednesday 30 October

10 – 11am


Thursday 31 October

10 – 11am

2 – 3pm

Friday 1 November

10 – 11am

2 - 3pm

Unfortunately, in the modern digital economy, it is increasingly common to see fraudulent emails – it is even possible for an email to appear to have come from one sender when it was in fact sent by another. If you are in any doubt about an email you receive that you suspect may be fraudulent, please do not open it and click on any links. If you have opened the email and clicked or followed any instructions, follow this advice from https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ and report the email to the itservicedesk@royalholloway.ac.uk.

Stay cyber aware, and if in doubt, please don’t click.