Apr 29 2018
Last week, 12 of our students became the first group of students from a single university to complete the training to become Special Constables with Surrey Police.

The Special Constabulary is a force of trained volunteers who work with and support their local police and they play a crucial role in our communities. While individual students may choose to become Special Constables, no other university has actively recruited a cohort and worked alongside a police force to enable its students to join the Special Constabulary.

The students all learnt first aid and combat training and passed theory tests and worked incredibly hard to become officers, I have congratulated them on their efforts and their commitment to the local community.

Volunteering as a Special Constable is just one of the extensive range of volunteering opportunities available to you at Royal Holloway. Last year, as a student body, you logged over 10,000 hours of volunteering activity. Students at Royal Holloway are particularly community spirited. Volunteering both enriches your time here and gives you valuable skills and experience which are attractive to future employers.

Finally, I hope that your exams and assessments are going well. If you have any questions about exams, assessments or results, you may find the answers you need here.


Professor Paul Layzell