Oct 15 2017

I hope you’re enjoying autumn term and the lovely colours showing around campus. Thanks to everyone who shared autumnal campus photos through social media, the image you can see above was submitted by postgraduate student, Iris Heider.

At Royal Holloway we want to be recognised for the positive contribution we make within the local community. Every year, hundreds of our students volunteer their time to support local charities and causes, and our neighbours value this contribution. Unfortunately, this good work is undermined when people living in the local area are disrupted by noise and antisocial behaviour at different times through the day and night. These disturbances  might be caused by a small number of people, but when students are involved, it reflects badly on the whole Royal Holloway community and damages our relationship with our neighbours.

If you see or hear a disturbance or something that doesn't seem quite right, it’s important to let someone know. Our campus Security team are here to support you and can be reached on 01784 443063. Please do not put yourself at risk by intervening, rather, let the appropriate person know.


Professor Paul Layzell