Feb 04 2018
This week marks a significant milestone in UK history; it’s 100 years since the Representation of the People act was enacted.  As a university, whose founders were at the forefront of progressing women’s equality, we are marking the centenary of the right to vote by joining Vote 100, the national celebration of suffrage.
I’d encourage you to get involved in some of the events that will be taking place throughout the year to bring to life the legacy of suffrage and the development of democracy.  Highlights include the women's suffrage exhibition and the 2018 Fawcett Lecture. You can find out more below.
The celebration also provides an opportunity for us to understand more about our own inspirational alumnae who contributed to the suffrage movement, including Emily Wilding Davison, who we recently named our Library and Student Services Centre after.

You may remember that last term, we asked you to suggest who we should honour by naming our new science building after them. We now have a shortlist of four individuals; Dame Kathleen LonsdaleDr Elizabeth Blackwell, Dr Rosalind Franklin and Dr Beatrice Shilling

You, together with our colleagues, have until the 15 February to share your views on which individual you think the building should be named after. I will announce the chosen name by the end of this term.

Professor Paul Layzell