May 31 2020
National Volunteers’ Week takes place this week, running from 1-7 June. This is an opportunity to recognise the hard work and dedication of volunteers, a message which is even more relevant during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

During these unprecedented times our student volunteers have been adapting their social action initiatives to continue engaging with and supporting vulnerable members of society. These include Holloway Notes virtual choir, who have been rehearsing virtually every week, and ESOL Tutoring who have been providing online sessions for refugees. Our student volunteer leaders have also initiated a fundraiser to walk/cycle/run 500k in aid of foodbanks through the Trussell Trust.

The Royal Holloway Volunteering team are marking Volunteers’ Week with virtual Volunteering Awards to say thank you for the valuable contributions you make to help make our community a better place to study, live and work. Over recent months volunteers have been needed more than ever, and as part of the week we will be recognising people who have stepped up in response to coronavirus, and students who have adapted volunteering activities to continue supporting the most vulnerable in society. Volunteering is now, more than ever an opportunity for you to make new connections, support good causes, identify where your strengths lie and boost your CV. If you are interested in finding out more about the volunteering opportunities available, you can search on the volunteering online platform.

I’d like to congratulate all of our student volunteers, whether you are a regular volunteer or if you have recently taken up a role within your local community in response to the coronavirus pandemic. I’m proud that our Royal Holloway community has the strength to pull together and support others during these challenging times.

Professor Paul Layzell