Jun 06 2021
By the time you read today’s newsletter, many of you will have completed your assessments, or be about to do so, as term ends on Friday 11 June. Congratulations on completing this year, you should be very proud of what you have achieved in these challenging circumstances.

Based on the information available to us now, we are excited to be planning to return to studying on campus in September. We’re planning a mix of face-to-face, on campus, teaching and learning support, with some digital elements. This is building on the positive feedback around taking part in digital learning from students over the last year.  

We currently expect that all legal restrictions will be removed by September and so we, the Students’ Union and clubs and societies are planning a full programme of face-to-face events and experiences. We are also planning for facilities such as the Library, gym, cafés and bars to be open and we will continue to provide a full range of student support services. 

Thank you to you all for playing your part this academic year. Despite challenging circumstances your efforts to work within Government rules and guidance means that we have been able to prevent any significant outbreaks of coronavirus (Covid-19) on campus. Next year, we will continue to encourage everyone to follow any guidance which may be in place at that time in order that we can confidently open, and keep open, the venues and events we know you value.

For final year students who will be leaving us this year, a particular congratulations from me, and I hope to see you at postponed Graduation Ceremonies. I would also encourage you to keep an eye out for a newsletter for finalists only, which will drop into your inbox over the next couple of weeks.

Usually this would be my final message until the start of the new academic year. However, as more guidance is provided by the UK Government, we will update you on what that will mean for you and your studies next year. So my newsletter will move to monthly instead of weekly, which means you can expect to receive something from me in early July.

Professor Paul Layzell