Dec 05 2021
It was great to see many of you at the Festive Market and Christmas tree light switch on last week, I hope you all enjoyed the festivities. For those of you who weren’t able to attend, you can watch highlights from the day in the video below.
With term ending on Friday, it is extremely important that all students continue to take regular lateral flow tests, and for those of you who will be leaving campus for the Christmas break, we expect you to take a lateral flow test before travelling, and again before you travel back to campus. Taking lateral flow tests will mean that you are playing your part in helping to keep others safe and you will be able to be more confident that you’re not taking the virus home, or unknowingly infecting your housemates and others, if you’re staying on campus or in the local area over the holiday period. Lateral flow testing kits can be ordered from the government website and all students living in Halls will have received testing kits over the past week.
To align with extended government guidance for shops and public transport, we now expect face coverings to be worn by students, staff and visitors over the age of 12 years old while indoors, including libraries, teaching rooms, lecture halls, laboratories and multiple-occupancy offices. If you are unable to wear a face covering, you are expected to wear a sunflower lanyard instead. These are available to be picked up from the Union Shop, Café on the Square, your School Office or the Student Services Centre.
Face coverings help protect the wearer and others against the spread of infection because they cover the nose and mouth, which are the main confirmed sources of transmission of Covid-19. We have worked hard to keep campus open with in-person teaching this term, so let’s do this simple thing to help stop the spread of Covid-19.

Professor Paul Layzell