Feb 11 2018
We're now almost half way through the term, and for many of you it's reading week. It's always important to use your time wisely and this week there's lots of sessions taking place as part of Skill Up Week.

If you need additional support to help you keep your studies on track there's workshops running on presentation skills, time management and more. I encourage you to take advantage of these sessions to ensure you're in the best possible position to achieve your potential in upcoming assignments.

Looking ahead to the next academic year, we are currently recruiting part-time paid roles. Information is also available about the volunteering opportunities available next year.  Paid roles include sports roles such as a Sports Centre Assistants and Hall Life team opportunities, with volunteering opportunities including things like mentoring new students as a Peer Guide or joining our Volunteering team, supporting the local community.
Paid and voluntary work can fit in alongside your studies and help you to develop skills that will help you to succeed at Royal Holloway and beyond. They can also help you to explore ideas about your possible future career, and develop a network in those areas. You can find out more about what student roles are available to you on the student intranet.

Professor Paul Layzell