Feb 25 2018
As we near the end of term, and for some of you, the end of your studies here at Royal Holloway, it's a good time to start thinking about your future and how to make the most of your degree.

"Employability skills" is a term you will hear and see often during your studies. These are the skills that many employers look for when recruiting for roles and a graduate exhibiting many of these qualities will have an advantage over those who do not. By taking advantage of the many support services offered at Royal Holloway, you can stand out to employers, helping you to succeed in life beyond our campus, in whichever field you chose.

This week, our Careers & Employability Service are running their Get Hired campaign. Get Hired is designed to help you think about your future career, whether you still need to take the first steps in planning for what you'll do once you graduate or would like some advice on job opportunities, your CV or applications.

There are many events taking place throughout the week, including a workshop on LinkedIn to ensure you have a digital profile that reflects your strengths. A Facebook Live Q&A is taking place tomorrow, which provides an opportunity for you to ask one of our Careers Consultants questions.

I encourage you all to take part in some of the many activities and achieve something this week that improves your employability skills. 


Professor Paul Layzell