May 27 2018

As we reach the end of term, and for some of you, the end of your studies here at Royal Holloway, it's a good time to be thinking about your future and how to make the most of your summer.

If you’re a finalist, some of you will be in a position to move directly into your desired career or postgraduate studies. However, others may have a little more work to do. Our ‘Get Hired this Summer’ programme has been designed by our Careers & Employability Service to support you, if you haven't yet decided on the career you want to pursue.

As part of the programme, there's an online toolkit, two all-day events in Central London and the team will be running several workshops and the 500 Jobs Fair, which you can find out more about below.

Our IT department also has a number of graduate trainee opportunities for you if you have an interest in web technologies and development, systems infrastructure and technology. Find out more about this opportunity here.

If you're returning after summer and don’t have anything planned yet, there's lots of things that you can do to become more employable. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, support good causes, and to boost your CV. A part-time job can also support your studies, and we have many on-campus opportunities that you can keep an eye out for.

We have a very exciting week coming up with the Festival of History next Sunday and Summer Ball taking place on Friday in the stunning grounds of Founder’s, I hope to see you at the Ball.


Professor Paul Layzell