Jan 16 2022
I hope the start of term is going well and you are starting to settle back into your studies. On Wednesday (19 January), for the first time since before the pandemic began, our Part-time Jobs Fair will be taking place on campus, in-person again. Attending in-person events and being able to meet prospective employers face-to-face, is a great way to make connections and discover new opportunities, so I’m very pleased that we’re able to deliver events like this in-person.
The event will be taking place in the Davison Building, from 12-3pm, and will allow you to discover a number of part-time, seasonal and summer vacancies that you can apply for to support your studies, and build on your career skills. At the Fair, you’ll be able to speak directly with employers from companies such as Legoland, Wentworth Club, Premier Education and Brightsparks, as well as those recruiting for roles on campus. Our Royal Holloway Volunteering team will also be on hand to discuss the wide range of volunteering opportunities available and how you can get involved.
A part-time job or taking part in volunteering activities can complement your studies and supplement your CV, helping you to stand out to future employers. If you are unable to attend the Fair in person on Wednesday, our Careers team regularly advertise part-time roles on the Careers Portal. I would encourage you to check them regularly to see if there's a job or a volunteering opportunity which will help to boost your employability skills.
This event will be taking place in-person however, the health and safety of our College community remains a top priority. It’s extremely important that you continue to take and register lateral flow tests twice a week, and you must wear a face covering when moving around inside buildings, unless you’re exempt. By everyone continuing to play their part in following the Covid-19 guidelines, you can ensure that you are helping keeping yourself and everyone around you safe.

Professor Paul Layzell