Sep 27 2020
You will be aware from the news this week that across the country, coronavirus (Covid-19) infection rates are rising and there have been significant outbreaks at some other universities, leading to large numbers of students being required to self-isolate. Our number one priority is the health and safety of our whole community. With the social distancing and hygiene measures we have applied across campus, we believe we can provide you with a safe student experience. However, these measures also rely on us all playing our part and following the rules and guidelines as set out.

Government guidelines and legal requirements in relation to the pandemic are designed to help protect you, your family and friends and our whole community. On Friday I sent all students an email outlining our updated approach to face coverings, as well as the introduction of fines and penalties for those who do not follow legal requirements, for example the Rule of six. Thank you to everyone who is following the rules, but not everyone is, and when it comes to Covid-19, when you take a risk, you put everyone at risk.

As you begin your timetabled teaching this week, you will be guided by your timetable for the format (face-to-face or online) and location of your classes. There are likely to be changes arising in the first few weeks of term and we would appreciate your patience as we all settle into this new pattern of education. School Offices will communicate any changes made at short notice and we will update your timetable as soon as possible. The Students’ Union and Hall Life team are working hard to ensure that a programme of activities is available outside of the classroom. These events have been designed to meet Government guidelines and legal requirements.  

We are all living through events that are unprecedented in our lifetime and I want to remind you how important it is to look after your mental health and wellbeing. Support is available to you at the College if you need it. If you are anxious or concerned and would like to talk to someone, please email

Professor Paul Layzell,