Sep 22 2015

Welcome to my new column on your equally new student intranet!

Up until now, I’ve been able to share messages with you using our weekly student email. Now that we have a new student intranet, I’m planning to write more regularly, and I’ll be able to share more photos and videos with you too.

There are going to be lots of exciting things happening all around the College over the next few years, and I’m looking forward to writing about them here in this new section on the intranet.

Our new Library and Student Services Centre

Our new Library and Student Services Centre

I’ll be using this space to give you updates on the investments that we’re making to support you, as well as ‘behind-the-scenes’ insights into some of the projects we’re working on – like our new Library and Student Services Centre building. I’ll also be able to talk a bit about our strategy: why we’re doing the things we’re doing, how we’re making things better, and what it all means for you.

You, our students, are at the heart of our community here at Royal Holloway, and I’m absolutely committed to ensuring that you have the best academic, social and pastoral experience during your time here.  This intranet is an important way for us to keep in touch, so I’m keen to hear what you think about it.

If you would like to contact me directly, please  email me or post a message in the comments section underneath my messages.  I read all the emails you send me, and your feedback is important to me.  Are there things you want to hear about that we’re not addressing right now?  Let me know!

I hope you find our new intranet useful.

Paul Layzell

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