Jun 05 2017

As we reach the end of term, and for some of you, the end of your studies here at Royal Holloway, it's a good time to start thinking about your future and how to make the most of your summer.

If you’re a finalist, our ‘Get Hired this Summer’ programme has been designed by our Careers & Employability Service to support you, if you haven't yet decided on the career you want to pursue. As part of the programme, there's an online toolkit and two all-day events in Central London.

If you're returning after summer and don’t have anything planned yet, volunteering is a great way to meet new people, support good causes, and to boost your CV.  

Volunteering is also a strong part of our College community. Just this week, our Community Action Volunteering initiative was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service - the highest award given to volunteer groups across the UK. It’s a tremendous achievement - congratulations to the thousands of you who already volunteer and have contributed to this success!


Professor Paul Layzell