May 28 2016

Exams and assessment season is over – you’ve done it! – and there’s now two weeks of term left for us to celebrate the end of the year and enjoy Royal Holloway before the summer!

These two short weeks between exams and assessment season and the summer vacation are a fantastic time on campus.  It’s a time when people are free from the stress and worries of previous months, but still with their friends and colleagues in the time before the end of term. It’s full of opportunities to get involved, relax and have fun.

Every year we host a whole range of colourful and exciting events in these two weeks, from the famous Summer Ball (and yes, the rumours are true – I will be DJing at the Ball!) to our Play! festival of culture (featuring music, theatre, creative writing, film, art and more from our students and staff, all around campus), from tasty street food to special sports events.  You can find out what’s on at our 16 Days of Summer website.

2015/16 was a great year for Royal Holloway, and there’s lots to look forward to for 2016/17.  I hope you’ll take the opportunity to join us in these last few weeks of celebration and enjoy everything Royal Holloway has to offer before the summer.

Paul Layzell