May 13 2018
RH100 is a representative panel of students that is consulted on and given the opportunity to input into strategic thinking at Royal Holloway. Over the last academic year, we’ve seen the effect of the panel’s work on everyday student life and, as we approach the end of this year now is the perfect time to recognise the panel’s success and invite you to be part of next year's panel.

Back in September 2017, we opened the doors to the Davison Building. This brand new, state of the art addition to campus has benefited our campus community greatly, bringing together many of our services under one roof. However, as with any new building, the experience of using the building was quite different to plans on paper. RH100 was instrumental in guiding and advising the College on resolving some of the early issues. For example, as a result of RH100’s feedback, we were able to adjust seating layouts, replacing some of the soft seating with 100 study desks in spring term.

RH100 also drove a focus on identifying existing study spaces on campus, encouraging us to promote where students can study at especially busy times in the year. RH100 expressed how important the Library@ scheme is and encouraged us to feature the scheme more prominently in our communications. Your feedback suggests it has been easier for you to find spots on campus to study as a result.

Sports facilities on campus is another area which has been discussed this year at the panel meetings. RH100 is encouraging investment in this area and, as a result, I expect to be able to provide an update on our sports facilities in the coming months.

RH100’s input has helped us to understand what matters most to students and to inform our decision making. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each panel member for their contributions this year. If you are interested in joining the panel and helping to shape our future, please get in touch with the team.


Professor Paul Layzell