May 20 2018
That time of year has come around again, when your newly-elected Sabbatical Team take up their roles and your current ones bid you an emotional farewell.

As your outgoing President, and having worked with so many of you on campaigns, projects, events and lobbying efforts over the past two years, I assure you it won’t be an easy goodbye. Before we head off at the beginning of July, I wanted to take a moment to look back over everything RHSU has achieved with your help over the past year.
We kicked off the year working with the College to open the Back Gate 24/7 after many years of lobbying, making campus more accessible and convenient for you all. At the beginning of first term we also opened our shiny new Union Shop in the Davison Building – a vast improvement on the old one, I’m sure you’ll all agree. In first term we also introduced free printing credits for every student including those previously overlooked.
In second term, we worked hard to make sure that industrial action caused as little disruption to your studies as possible, whilst persuading the College to create a Student Hardship Fund for those affected financially and were able to get the Postgraduate space in Davison Building opened up to Postgraduate Taught students for the exam period.
Finally, as well as putting Stumble Inn to good use as a new storage facility for our clubs and societies, we have just announced a major refurbishment of Medicine, which we all know is long overdue! 
So all in all, it has been a pretty awesome year with a huge number of positive developments, and we will be celebrating at this year's Summer Ball – where you and a friend have the chance to open the main stage with a sing-along of Toto’s Africa, confetti canons and lasers – what more could you want?

Looking forward to seeing you all there, Tash.