Nov 10 2019
We know that climate change and sustainability are important issues for our students and staff. These are broad topics and it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the scale of the issues we face as a planet to sustain our natural resources. As a College we want to raise awareness and focus on what we can do within our community and as individuals to have positive impact. As part of this goal, we will be hosting a Sustainability Discovery Session on Wednesday 20 November where we will showcase many of the ways we support action against climate change and the sustainability agenda.

Through this event we hope that you will discover more about our sustainability-related research, learn how areas within the College are tackling sustainability and to find out more about what you can do as an individual to become more sustainable. You will also have the opportunity to pose your questions to representatives from the College. We know that there is more that we need to do to improve our College's contribution to being more sustainable, but i hope that, through the event, you will see the progress that we are making. Look out for more information on the Sustainability Discovery Session in the newsletter over the next couple of weeks.


Professor Paul Layzell