Oct 25 2020

In a year where the Black Lives Matter movement has grown as an energising force in the public conscious, Black History Month maintains our focus on the inequality that still exists and encourages the College community to come together and discuss and improve our black students’ experience.

We believe that our community is strengthened by our diversity; when we share views, values and cultures we learn from one another and can be better citizens as a consequence. There have been many events marking Black History Month in October, organised by our academic departments, our Choir, Library and the Cultural Diversity Network. I would like to particularly thank the Students’ Union for organising a wide range of events to mark Black History Month for students, with more running this week.

Work to improve our black students’ experience continues within our academic departments. Examples include efforts to introduce additional black voices into the curriculum, expand course content to cover topics that reflect the cultures and experiences of black academics and students and initiatives to increase black students’ representation. There are also other targeted interventions to reduce the attainment and progression gaps which we’ll be reporting back on as we make progress.