May 10 2020
Later today the government is expected to make a statement on plans for the UK to start to move out of lockdown. While we do not know the detail, we have begun to plan for how we might begin to open up the campus, depending on what restrictions the government might lift and when. We will keep you informed of any changes that might affect you. Until there is new guidance from the government, you should continue to stay where you are and follow UK government guidance on social distancing and hand washing. 

The coronavirus pandemic has affected the way we all live, study and work and the uncertainty it brings can be difficult to deal with. Now, more than ever, we need to be kind to ourselves and look after our mental health.

The assessment period is now underway and you will all be at different stages, some of you may have completed your online assessments and deadlines already, while others will still be studying. It is important to work at times that suit you best and also set time in your day to rest and relax. 

Next week, from Monday 18 to Sunday 24 May, is Mental Health Awareness week. Look out for details of how you can get involved in next week’s newsletter and the support you can access all year.
Professor Paul Layzell