Jun 02 2019
As we approach the end of the summer term, and for some of you the end of your studies here at Royal Holloway, now is a good time to be thinking about your future and how you can make the most of your summer.

Many of you will be working during the vacation and perhaps some of you will have decided to volunteer in the UK or abroad. The skills and experience you will gain will help you to develop attributes that are valued by employers, but you might also be looking for some support to help you decide what career you could apply those skills to.

From tomorrow (Monday 3 June), there are a range of activities taking place on campus which might help you to explore different options.

We are marking Volunteers’ Week which runs from 1-7 June at the Runnymede and Spelthorne Volunteer Awards which celebrate the valuable contributions you make to help make our community a better place to study, live and work. Over the next few weeks there are lots of volunteering activities available where you can make new connections, support good causes, identify where your strengths lie and boost your CV.

If you are graduating in July, the Careers & Employability Service’s Get hired this summer programme is designed to help you launch your graduate career. The team are holding several events this week including; a LinkedIn Day, sessions with visiting employers and the Summer Careers Fair, which are also open to students from across the College.

After graduation, if you wish to continue your studies, you can attend our Central London Postgraduate Evening on Wednesday 5 June. If you are contemplating a PhD in the future, you might be interested in the Three-minute thesis competition on Thursday 6 June.

Whatever plans you have for the summer, I hope that you will make the most of your time, and use the support and resources available from the Careers and Employability Service to help you plan for your future career.


Professor Paul Layzell