Nov 28 2021
With just two weeks left of the autumn term, this week we’ll be marking the start of the festive season on campus, with the return of our Festive Market on Thursday (2 December), from 12-8pm. Taking place in Founder’s Square, this year’s Market will feature catering, music and stalls, as well as an ice rink that will remain in place from 11am-3pm on Friday (3 December). I hope you enjoy the range of activities on offer and that you will join me and Students’ Union President, Henn Warwick, at 6pm, when we will be switching on our Christmas tree lights - I look forward to seeing you there.
Although the festive season is almost upon us, and with it nearing the end of term, this is also the time of year when many of you will also be working towards assessment deadlines. When completing projects and assignments, it’s important to remember to take regular breaks and to look after your mental health and wellbeing.
Alongside the Festive Market, there are a number of other festive activities for you to get involved in when you’re taking a break away from your studies. In the newsletter below, you can find out more about festive meals on campus, a trip to Winchester Christmas market run by the Students’ Union and our annual Festival of Lessons and Carols with the Chapel Choir.

Professor Paul Layzell