Oct 24 2021

We are your Students’ Union Officer team for the 2021/22 academic year and we’re delighted to be taking over this week’s newsletter to tell you about all the great stuff we’re working on for students this year! The sabbatical officers are full-time employees at the Students’ Union (SU), elected into these roles by you, the students. There are four officer roles: President, Vice President Education, Vice President Wellbeing & Diversity, and Vice President Societies and Sport. Let’s get to it and meet your officers! 


Hey everyone, my name is Henn and I am the President of the Students’ Union. As well as overseeing everything that goes on here at the SU, my role is to represent your views to the College and lobby for changes to improve student life at Royal Holloway. This year, I’m focusing on a number of key issues including student safety on campus and in the local community, as well as in our venues to cut down on spiking and devise strategies for drug harm reduction. I am also leading a long-term piece of work to decolonise not only the curriculum but also all College services. 


Hi everyone! My name’s Maia and I’m your Vice President Education. I’m so excited to work with you this year to turn your feedback into concrete change and ensure you feel fully supported in your studies. My plans for this year include revamping the Personal Tutoring system, implementing the recommendations from the Joint Honours Insight Report, and creating more opportunities for peer academic support.


Hi, I’m Alice, your Vice President Wellbeing and Diversity. My key aims this year include working on centralising student support services through lobbying the College for a case management system and improving the Disability & Neurodiversity team to ensure students get the support they need. I’ll amplify minority voices by interacting with our culture and faith groups, Collectives and minority student communities, and create Wellness Wednesdays to run alongside sports events. I’m also running a Disability Campaign Week in November so keep a look out for that! 


Hi, I’m Alex, your Vice President Societies and Sport. I know how important our societies and sports clubs are to student life around campus and I’m thrilled to be helping them get back into delivering in-person activities this year! My main manifesto projects are the implementation of a second hand kit system, introducing termly feedback forms for committee members, making student groups more financially inclusive, and introducing a new communications platform to engage with our committee members.
To find out more or to get in contact with any of the Officers, head to the Your Officers page on the SU website.