Mar 11 2018
From talking to you, reading your messages and following social media, I understand how much concern the industrial action in response to proposed pension changes is causing you.

We are doing what we can to minimise the impact of the strikes on you. Last week I asked my colleague, Professor Katie Normington, Senior Vice Principal (Academic) to write to you outlining the actions we are taking to support you at this time and to provide reassurance that neither your exams nor your graduation will be affected. Katie confirmed in her email that we are putting money that is held from the salaries of striking staff into the student hardship fund. This week, we are meeting with your Students' Union President to agree a broader criteria for the fund so that more students can benefit from the money that goes into the fund.  

I am pleased that formal talks between UUK and UCU, mediated by the conciliation service ACAS, continued throughout last week. To help with the talks, I have told UUK that we would be prepared to consider fully-costed, revised proposals and in the short-term, we would also be prepared to consider a modest increase in cost. I hope negotiations can continue and that we can move closer to finding a resolution.
Further information about the action and its impact on you can be found on the student intranet, which is updated regularly.


Professor Paul Layzell