Mar 08 2020
Over the last six months colleagues across the College have been undertaking work that will enable us to develop a new strategic plan for the College, one that will take us from 2020 to 2030. 

The starting point for our new Strategy is our founding principles of excellence in teaching and research. The Strategy will continue to focus on your needs as a student and look at how we can enhance our environment so that it continues to support and inspire us all to succeed. 

As part of the Strategy development, since January, students and staff have contributed to the development of a Green Paper, a consultation document which has been designed to promote discussion around some of the key areas our Strategy must focus on. These areas are; students needs 2030, challenge-led research and knowledge exchange, environmental sustainability, scale and reach, staff environment and equality, and diversity and inclusion. The Green Paper considers today's challenges and opportunities in relation to these areas and presents options that will ultimately inform our new Strategy. 

The College's new Strategy may not directly impact you during your studies here at Royal Holloway however, this is your opportunity to input into our future success. You can find out more about the Green Paper here. You can also find out more and have your say at our market place event on 25 March. More information about the event will be available soon.

I hope you will find the time to contribute to this important exercise and help shape our future.

Professor Paul Layzell