Jan 19 2020
Yesterday we welcomed around 200 alumni back to campus for our Alumni Sports Day. Past students enjoyed reliving their time at Royal Holloway as players and spectators, with fixtures including, football, rugby and tennis.

It was great to see so many members of our community returning to campus and reminiscing about their experiences here as a student. It is a reminder that being part of the Royal Holloway community extends beyond your time here at the College.

The start of the calendar year is a time for reflection and, as alumni did over the weekend, we’re asking you to reflect on your own experience so far at Royal Holloway.  Over the next few weeks you will see a lot of information about student surveys and I would encourage you to take part and use your student voice and give us feedback. What you say helps us continue to improve the student experience here at Royal Holloway.


Professor Paul Layzell