Sep 06 2020
We’re now just two weeks away from the start of the new academic year and whether you will be joining us on campus for the start of term or beginning your studies online and joining us later when you are able to, I am looking forward to welcoming you back.

In the past few months we have all had to get used to using new technology and doing familiar things differently – whether this be queuing to enter a shop, making a reservation for a table or an appointment to see someone, or meeting online rather than face-to-face. Returning to your studies will also mean getting used to a new way of student life; we have worked hard to adapt your course to combine face-to-face on campus and online teaching and learning support as well as ensuring our support services are still accessible to you. For many of you the last time you were on campus was back in March, and when you return to campus, you will notice measures in place to make campus as safe as possible for you, our staff and our wider community.

Over the summer we have continued to update you on what to expect when you resume your studies, and as a reminder, you can find all of our updates here.

As you prepare for the start of the academic year, I would encourage you to look at the 2020/21 Information Hub on the student intranet. The Hub is full of useful information on the new academic year, including your academic experience, student life and how, as a community and as individuals we all have a part to play in helping everyone have a safe and successful year. Please continue to check back regularly on the Hub for updates.

Professor Paul Layzell,