Jan 24 2021
Last Wednesday our Careers Service held their Part-time Jobs Festival - their first virtual careers event of 2021. This was an opportunity for you to find out about part-time and seasonal vacancies and get some practice talking to potential employers. 171 of you attended the Festival where you heard from ten employers advertising for a number of different part-time roles on campus, in the local area, as well as some remote opportunities. I appreciate that in the current lockdown, thinking about part-time work is a challenge, but I hope that, if you did attend the Festival, that you found it helpful, and if you weren’t able to, you can still view all the employers’ stands to find out about the vacancies they have on offer and apply.

I am very aware that these extraordinarily challenging times have had a knock on effect on students’ income as there are currently less opportunities around for part-time work. Please, if you’re struggling financially as a result of a drop in income, do consider applying to the College’s Study Support Grant. Also, have a look at the skills development support we offer so that you are ready to take advantage of job opportunities when they arrive.

It is difficult sometimes to look beyond the ongoing pandemic and your plans for after university may well have to change, but it is important to still think about your future career and take the opportunity to access the range of careers guidance and advice available from our Careers Service online. Thinking about your future career and the steps you might want to take can sometimes be overwhelming especially given the uncertainty around us. Our Careers Consultants are here to help you and I would encourage you to get in touch with them to book an appointment.

I hope you make the most of these valuable opportunities

Professor Paul Layzell