Dec 15 2019
It is the end of another year and the autumn term on campus - a time to reflect on the term as we look ahead to 2020.

In September, The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2020 ranked Royal Holloway 19th in its national rankings, a rise of five places to become to become a top 20 UK university. This league table rise is in large part the result of developments we’ve made in areas such as teaching, feedback and resources; developments which came about through listening and responding to your student voice.

This term, 100 of you joined the RH100 panel, over 300 of you became Academic reps and many of you joined the new Collectives, an initiative from the SU ensuring that the voices of underrepresented groups are heard. I am pleased to see so many of you taking part and making sure your student voice is heard.

In November, we hosted our Sustainability Discovery Session to showcase many of the ways we support action against climate change and the sustainability agenda. We know that climate change and sustainability are important issues for our students and staff, and we’ll be continuing to focus on this topic in the new year, including a theatre performance-talk about sustainability, ‘Thinking Bigly’, which is coming to campus in January. 

I hope you all enjoy your winter break, whether you remain on or around campus or go off to spend time with family and friends.

I look forward to welcoming you back to campus in 2020.


Professor Paul Layzell