Dec 10 2017
2017 has been an amazing year for our university. We welcomed thousands of new students during Welcome Week, a hundred of you have joined our RH100 student panel and many of you will graduate next week.

It's also been wonderful this year to see you enjoying the developments on our campus. Our George Eliot Hall has become home to many of you and the new Emily Wilding Davison Building and Founder’s Square are coming into their own. Lots of you participated in our campaign to name the new science building. Early next term we will be revealing our shortlist of names, and inviting you to share your favourite. All of these improvements are designed to give you the best resources and support so that you can succeed during your university career.

I look forward to welcoming many of you back to campus in 2018 and my best wishes to those of you who are graduating; remember to stay connected to Royal Holloway through our Alumni Team.

Wishing you all season's greetings and best wishes for the new year.

Paul Layzell