Jan 10 2021
The spring term starts tomorrow, Monday 11 January, and over the holiday period, there been a series of national developments that have caused us to change our plans, most recently with the lockdown in England. We are all being asked to ‘stay at home’ and the government has instructed that all teaching must be delivered online through to at least 22 February. On Wednesday 6 January I wrote to all students with an update on term two and we committed to sharing further updates as we knew more.

One such development since I wrote to you is the decision to remove the rent charges for students with campus accommodation who are unable to travel to their rooms during lockdown. We sent an update to students on Friday 8 January and you can read more detail below and also read the open letter the College and Students’ Union (SU) have jointly sent to local landlords and accommodation providers. In this newsletter, we are also able to give an update on the position in relation to the assessment and classification procedures. This is a complex operation and we are able to share some more detail below.

I’d like to wish you a successful term two; it may not be starting as we would prefer, but we’re here to support your learning so that you can successfully complete the academic year and we are committed to giving our students a good on-campus experience with face-to-face, on campus teaching and learning support, when we are able.

Professor Paul Layzell