Apr 28 2019
Tomorrow is the first day of the last term in this academic year. If you are an undergraduate student, the next few weeks will be about revising for exams and completing and submitting assessments. If you are a final year undergraduate student, this term is the culmination of three years, perhaps four, of hard work and commitment, with hopefully graduation on the horizon. Postgraduate taught students are also preparing to enter the examination period, and will then work towards submitting their dissertations over the summer.

The next few weeks and months can be an anxious time, but there are people and resources available who can help and support you so that you can succeed in your goals.

CeDAS, the Centre for the Development of Academic Skills, offers free lectures, workshops, drop-ins and 1:1 tutorials on a range of key academic skills across the academic year. Their exam support programme this year includes the Maths Café for exam preparation in maths and stats, summer drop-ins and 1:1 writing tutorials.

We all manage and respond to stress and anxiety in different ways however if, over the term, you are particularly concerned about your wellbeing, or that of a friend, please don’t hesitate to reach out and speak directly to a representative from our Student Advisory and Wellbeing team.


Professor Paul Layzell