May 16 2021
If you are on campus and using campus facilities, it is important that you take part in twice-weekly lateral flow testing to enable us to play our part in helping to control the spread of Covid-19.  

As a thank you for taking part in testing, you can earn rewards for yourself as well as being able to donate money towards a number of different areas, every time you get a test. A few weeks ago you heard from VP Societies and Sport, Lucy Brown, on supporting the Students’ Union Student Groups Access Fund. This week you can hear about how taking part in regular lateral flow testing can support student-led volunteering projects and our Royal Holloway Community Garden. 

By choosing to support our student-led volunteering projects, you will be enabling our volunteers to plan campus charitable events and grow community volunteering initiatives, building a movement led by you, our students. Later this term, a new Volunteering Hub will be set up in the Davison Building. This will become a one-stop shop for all things volunteering; whether that be taking on a role with a community partner organisation, joining a social action project, supporting community research, getting active with sports volunteering, or becoming a global citizen with volunteering abroad. To learn more about our new hub when it opens, be sure to sign up as a volunteer on our online platform.  

Today is the final day of Mental Health Awareness Week – this year’s focus was on the impact nature can have on improving our mental health. One specific wellbeing-focused volunteering project that you can choose to support is our Royal Holloway Community Garden. The campus-based garden is looked after by a student-led team and also encourages other students to look after their wellbeing by getting involved and connecting with nature. Throughout the year, the team run initiatives such as planting sessions and seasonal walks. By choosing to support them, they will be able to increase the variety of plants that they grow and develop the number and types of activities they deliver throughout the year. 

More information about the testing rewards and how to book your lateral flow tests can be found on the student intranet.