Feb 21 2021

Our weekly student drop in sessions with the Students’ Union started last Wednesday and I understand a number of you joined the session to discuss a range of topics including MS Teams functionality, workload and academic representation. Thank you to those of you who attended and the points you raised. These sessions provide the opportunity to connect, hear your views and answer your questions. The sessions are taking place weekly via MS Teams until the end of term, and I would encourage you to join in and discuss any topic; but the sessions have been set up primarily to support your academic studies and wellbeing.
Many of us are feeling that this lockdown is particularly hard and it’s an unsettling time for us all. The Government are due to make an announcement tomorrow (22 February) outlining their roadmap out of the national lockdown. We hope this will bring some positive news of a gradual return to some level of normality, but we should also all be prepared for restrictions to continue for some time to come. Any elements of the announcement which affect universities are likely to come with a level of complexity and we will need to work through the detail to determine what it will mean for you. We will do everything we can to keep you informed in a timely way, and will provide you with an update later in the week.
Please be reassured that, in these exceptional times, our priority is to support you to succeed in your studies and successfully complete this academic year.

Professor Paul Layzell