Oct 17 2021
As we move into the fourth week of timetabled teaching, I hope your studies have been going well and you are enjoying your lectures and classes. Many of you may now be starting to receive your first assessments for this term, so I wanted to take the opportunity to let you know about some of the support we have in place for your studies.
It’s important to ensure that you manage your assessment deadlines, as you are expected to hand in all assessments on time. However, sometimes situations occur and circumstances can change that may prevent you from being able to meet a submission deadline, and you may need to apply for an extension. Extensions are for short-term, unforeseen circumstances that prevent you from submitting your work on time.
Over the summer we made some changes to our Extensions Policy, and under the new policy, a limited number of extensions will now be granted automatically, with no requirement for supporting evidence. All students will now also be provided with two ‘two working day’ and two ‘five working day extensions’ per academic year. We hope that these changes will make the process much quicker and clearer which will help to decrease any worry around extensions. More information about our Extensions Policy can be found on the student intranet.
For those of you starting to complete assessments, it’s also important to remember that our CeDAS team (Centre for the Development of Academic Skills), can help you improve your academic writing skills and build confidence. They offer group sessions, one-to-one tutorials, drop-ins and a range of resources all tailored towards your subject area.
I encourage you all to use the wide range of support, guidance and resources available to you to help your studies go as smoothly and successfully as possible and I wish you all the best of luck in your upcoming assessments.

Professor Paul Layzell