Oct 21 2018
At this time of year, it’s likely that you’ll have some assessment deadlines approaching and it’s important that you keep on top of your studies.   

If you do find that you need a bit of help, you might want to talk to our Centre for the Development of Academic Skills (CeDAS). The CeDAS team are here to help you, with a range of events and one-to-one tutorials. So, for example, if you’re not sure how to approach your first piece of writing or need guidance on statistics for your research paper, you can get in touch with them or visit the team in the International building, room INTER-002.

We also recognise that deadlines and assessments can be stressful and you might feel under pressure, so it’s important to remember that our Student Advisory and Wellbeing team’s support initiatives and services are there to help you. Looking after your wellbeing is integral to your success as a student and our Wellbeing team are on hand throughout the year to provide one-to-one practical support and advice. You can find out more about the support the team provides on the student intranet, along with more general tips and advice about health and wellbeing.


Professor Paul Layzell