Jan 31 2021

The demands of the pandemic have meant that we have had to constantly reorganise the structure of this academic year. Last week, because of continuing public health issues, the Government instructed universities to continue to deliver classes online until at least 8 March, with an expectation that this will continue until Easter for the majority of students. As a result, we have reluctantly made the decision to confirm that all classes* will remain online until the end of this term (Friday 26 March). Although we’re disappointed, we hope this decision will provide useful clarity about how and where you will complete term two.
Next week, on Wednesday 3 February, we will send you details on the 2021 assessments, the Fairness and Assurance Policy and what our no detriment approaches, which have been implemented over the course of the pandemic, mean for you. You will also have the opportunity to attend a briefing and Q&A co-hosted with the Students’ Union (SU) on this year’s approach to assessments on Thursday 4 February, from 5.30-6.30pm on MS Teams.
The specific impact on students and young people has been one of the most difficult aspects of this pandemic and we are concerned about the mental health, wellbeing, and ability of our students to remain focused in these difficult times.

I want to personally reassure you that we aim to do everything we can to support you, and all of our efforts are focused on seeking to ensure that every student at Royal Holloway successfully completes this academic year and that no Royal Holloway student is academically disadvantaged as a direct consequence of the pandemic.

Professor Paul Layzell

Please click here to read my full message on term two teaching, rent removal for on-campus accommodation, campus facilities, the support available to you and our hopes for term three.