Feb 18 2018
As you are no doubt aware, the College has been notified by University and College Union (UCU), of the outcome of their ballot in which members voted in favour of taking strike action, or action short of strike.

UCU has called this action in response to proposed changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) pensions.  These changes seek to address concerns about the scheme’s ability to meet its long commitments to members.

Throughout the discussions, our goal has been to achieve an outcome that ensures the best possible benefit provision, and is affordable to both colleagues and employers.  We all want sustainable and secure pensions in retirement and to avoid the situation where, at the valuation point (every three years), these benefits need to be reviewed, which is currently the case.

More than 30 meetings were held to seek to find a resolution. On the casting vote of the Chair of the joint negotiating committee, which was set up to enable discussions between represented universities and UCU, it was decided to consult with members on proposals to offer what has been described as marketing-leading defined contribution saving and retain the 18% employer contribution. The proposal also includes greater flexibility for employees in terms of their contributions. 

Royal Holloway recognises union members’ right to industrial action. However, I want to reassure you that we will make every possible effort to minimise the impact of any action on you. Our priority during the period of the action is to ensure the delivery of the curriculum and support you to succeed in the goals you have set yourself. 

I would encourage you to keep up to date through our intranet.


Professor Paul Layzell