Nov 18 2018
Following a very successful recruitment period, the RH100 panel for 2018/19 has now been selected. The panel is a sample of students from across the College, with every year group, level, and department represented. And I was impressed to hear that we have the highest number of first years joining the panel since its inception in 2016. This reflects how passionate you, our students, are about Royal Holloway and using your student voice to help us focus on the things that matter most to you.

RH100 helps to ensure that a range of views are considered in relation to developments around campus and provide insights that help us to test ideas, develop our thinking and inform how we shape the College for the future.

Last week, the panellists completed their training and on Tuesday (20 November) they will meet for the first time, to discuss our digital future. The session will look at how current and emerging technologies can enhance your student experience. This will help the College to develop a vision for future use of technology to support our students, staff and research.

I’d like to thank all of our panellists for their participation and look forward to sharing updates throughout the academic year. If you are not a member of the panel, there are lots of other ways that you can use your student voice. Providing feedback to your Academic Representatives and posting ideas on the Students' Union's Bright Ideas platform are just two examples of how you can ensure your voice is heard and feedback acted on. You can keep up-to-date on what RH100 are discussing throughout the year by visiting their web page.


Professor Paul Layzell