Oct 10 2021
Today (Sunday 10 October), is World Mental Health Day - a day that raises awareness of mental health issues around the world. As you settle into the new academic year, I wanted to take the opportunity to remind you of how important it is for us each to look after our mental health and wellbeing. Transitioning and adjusting to university life can be difficult, but our Wellbeing teams are here to support you as well as helping to ensure you have positive academic, personal and social experiences during your time at Royal Holloway.

The teams offer a wide range of services and provide support in a number of different areas, including; mental health, disability, finances, counselling, international advice as well as support for those of you living in the local community. Advisers within our Wellbeing teams also run confidential drop-ins between 11am - 2pm each weekday during term time. These are hosted virtually, or in person on a Tuesday and Thursday. You can find out more about how to access our wellbeing services and the term-time drop-ins on the student intranet.

World Mental Health Day provides a focus for us to think about our mental health however, throughout your degree, you may experience times where you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious. If that happens, it’s important to remember that this is completely normal. If you do find yourself feeling worried, upset or uncertain, please get in contact with our Wellbeing: Support & Guidance team. The team are here to support all students with general wellbeing - triaging wellbeing queries and providing non-clinical advice and guidance. They will help co-ordinate the right support for you or signpost/refer you to others within the department for longer term or more specialised support. 

Royal Holloway is a close knit and supportive community and we want to ensure that everyone has access to the support they need during their time studying with us. Being part of a community also means that we look out for one other. If you are concerned about the health and wellbeing of a friend, class mate or someone that you live with, please contact our Wellbeing: Support & Guidance team, who will reach out to the student and offer them support and guidance.

World Mental Health Day is a strong reminder of how important it is to look after our mental health and wellbeing. Managing your personal wellbeing is integral to your success as a student, so please take this opportunity to reflect on your wellbeing, take a look at the resources available to you and reach out for support if you need to.

Professor Paul Layzell