Nov 04 2018
We work hard to make sure that you feel part of a community of students and staff during your time at Royal Holloway. To help achieve this, we review and adapt our courses to help make sure they remain relevant, run smoothly and provide you with opportunities to explore new ideas and concepts in depth. We also continually invest in our facilities, ranging from learning resources to our estate, to ensure your experience at Royal Holloway is the best it can be.

Your student voice plays a part in this work. By listening to your feedback we can make decisions to improve in the areas that matter most to you now and which other students will benefit from in the future. 

For example, while we live in a digital world, you told us that having access to actual books and journals is important to you. In the 2017/18 financial year, we spent £2.9 million on information provision such as books, databases and journals. Recognising that we are in a digital world, in the same year we also bought 11,320 more e-books. When Founder’s Reading Room opens in the next few weeks, it will add an additional 96 study spaces, bring the total number of individual study spaces available across campus to 1,350. During exams, other areas will be re-purposed to add further to this. I’ll be sharing more information about the opening of Founder’s Reading Room next week.


Professor Paul Layzell