Sep 24 2017
Hello and welcome to your first newsletter of the academic year. I send a newsletter to all students every Sunday throughout term-time to keep you up-to-date on all of the latest news and events across campus.

Whether you’re a returning student or new to Royal Holloway, I hope you enjoyed Welcome Week and tried plenty of different events. If you're looking to find out what's on after Welcome Week, our online events calendar on the student intranet is packed full of opportunities for the coming weeks.

It’s been great to see so many of you using our new Davison Building. If you haven’t visited it yet, be sure to check it out soon. Already, the new building is enabling you to study, socialise and receive support, all under one roof. Thank you to everyone who has sent feedback, which I’m delighted to see is hugely positive.

We really value your feedback, and it plays a big part in helping the College to improve your university experience. Many of the developments we’ve made to areas such as teaching, feedback, timetabling, resources and the campus environment are a direct result of listening and responding to what you value. 

I’m proud of the close-knit community we have here at Royal Holloway, and the basis it has in mutual respect, inclusivity and academic excellence. Everyone across campus wants to play their part in helping to inspire you in and out of the classroom. As the first week of teaching begins, I’d like to wish you success in all the goals you set for yourself this academic year.