Ask Royal Holloway - our new online platform where you can get support and information - is now live!
We have worked with students to build this platform and it is a direct result of student feedback around how you ask for support from the University and how your queries are managed.
Acting on your feedback
Every year, we ask students what they loved about their time at Royal Holloway, and what they think could be improved. We always try to learn from this and take action to improve things where possible. One area is the way you ask for support from the University, and how your queries are managed. Ask Royal Holloway will improve the way we do this for you.
What does Ask Royal Holloway do?
That platform provides a place where you can easily search for the information you need – from assignment extensions to Hall Life queries. This will provide a more powerful and focussed search function to what is currently available on our student webpages.
When you can’t find the answers you need, through the information provided, Ask Royal Holloway will enable you to get support from services across the University – all in one place.
You will be able to submit queries via Ask Royal Holloway. They will then be passed on to the correct teams to help give you answers.
Support tailored to you; you can login easily, using your University credentials, so that you can submit queries to support staff, and see updates on questions you have already submitted.
What does it look like, and how can you use it?
Ask Royal Holloway is designed to be intuitive, with everything you need in one place and easy to locate. We have created this guidance document where you can work step by step through logging into Ask Royal Holloway, and how you can use it.