Jan 12 2024
This week, we get to know Alice Goode, our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Coordinator. Alice joined the EDI team in 2023, after previously studying at Royal Holloway.

1) Please tell us a bit about yourself and your role

My name is Alice and I work in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team. I’ve been here for nearly a year now and am loving what I do. In the EDI team our work revolves around achieving equity for all protected characteristics. As a part of that I am heavily involved in our staff networks and work around various history months, events, and communication on EDI. My speciality is disability and accessibility. I have a chronic illness so this area of work is not only a professional interest of mine, but also a personal one. I live in Staines with my partner (who I met at Royal Holloway when I was a student here) and our house bunny, Alf.

2) What do you enjoy most about working at Royal Holloway?

I know it’s cheesy, but it really is the people. I’ve met just the loveliest people at Royal Holloway who really care about what they do and the community we are building here. It’s the people that make the place really for me.  

3) What are you looking to achieve in your role over the next six months? 

Hopefully lots! I’m hoping to build awareness around a new staff Accessibility and Inclusion Hub to ensure that staff across the University have clear guidance on inclusive language and how to be as accessible as possible.

We’ve also got the launch of the Parents and Carers Network in February.

You may have also seen that we have recently been accredited as a Disability Confident Leader. Following this achievment we have plans to progress our work in supporting our disabled community and become true leaders in this area.

4) What or who inspires you inside and/or outside of work? 

Judy Heumann is a big inspiration of mine. She was an American disability rights activist and was known by many as ‘The Mother of the Disability Rights Campaign’. Ever since she was a teenager she has been involved in activism and campaigning with friends she made at a summer camp for disabled children. She was unapologetic, fierce, and bought hope to many. She was an inspiration to me because she showed me no matter your ability, age, or position, you can make a difference. I try to embody this message in everything I do and it’s the reason I became involved in EDI work.

5) How do you like to spend your free time outside of work? 

Free time, who is she? I always feel like I need more free time! But in all seriousness family is really important to me so I spend a lot of my weekends either visiting family or spending time with friends. I also love a good book, so much so that last year my Christmas present from my partner was a trip to Waterstones to pick out some new books. I constantly have a huge stack on my bedside table and am always looking for books to be added to my ‘To Be Read pile’. If anyone has any recommendations, please send them my way!