This week, we get to know Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Julie Sanders. Read on to find out what Julie loves about her role and more.
1.) Please tell us more about yourself and your role
I have the privilege and responsibility of being the current Vice-Chancellor and Principal of this remarkable place. I sometimes describe this role to people outside the organisation as being akin to a CEO’s role in that as the accountable officer for the university I have ultimate responsibility for our students, colleagues, and for delivering on our strategy, vision and values (i.e. everything). In that respect, I report to our governing body, the University Council on our work and seek to assure them about what we are doing, the rationales and values behind the work, and our management of risk in complex times. But I also like to think that CEO could stand for Chief Enabling Officer – because someone in my role gets to try and enable everyone else to realise their goals and objectives on behalf of the institution. To repeat the terms I started with, that is indeed both a huge responsibility and a privilege.
2.) What do you enjoy most about working at Royal Holloway?
As my first answer indicated, I get a huge amount of satisfaction and purpose from working with amazing students and colleagues doing great stuff on a daily basis. I do also realise how lucky I am to work in such amazing spaces and places, walking through the woodlands on our Egham campus most days to get to the office in Founders, or being in Bloomsbury at our Bedford Square and University of London locations. I describe Royal Holloway as a place where you touch remarkable history every day. We have a proud foundation all about inclusive education (Bedford College for example is celebrating 175 years this year) and that inspires me to keep trying to be brave and bold on behalf of current and future generations of students and colleagues.
3.) What are you looking to achieve in your role over the next six months?
The next six months will really see our work on RH2030s, our vision, values and strategy to be a University of Social Purpose, coming together and that is so exciting. The input of students and staff to date has been massive and insightful and I am excited to see what we can create together in the years to come. These are really challenging times for Higher Education in the UK but RH2030s is all about making sure Royal Holloway can thrive in complex times and to be doing that together as a community means the world to me.
4.) What or who inspires you inside and/or outside of work?
So many people inspire me. I have spoken in other contexts recently about the importance of all the coffee conversations with students and staff at Royal Holloway that help me find energy and purpose on the tougher days. There are important and moving stories everywhere in our community. I also have the opportunity through my work as a trustee to learn alongside people from many walks of life but a special shout out to all the creatives I get to work with at the Globe, at Shakespeare North Playhouse and previously at Northern Stage who remind me of the importance of imagination and creativity. And a special mention to Adi Sengupta at Common Purpose, a person who has long inspired me to keep finding energy for social purpose in all we do.
5.) How do you like to spend your free time outside of work?
I have the great luck that my research shades into many great nights at the theatre or curled up in corners reading books and I do love doing both those things. But in my job I spend far too much time on screens and working through papers or agendas so I really value getting on my waterproofs and the walking boots and getting outside with my partner. I am in my element around wild things – from beavers to otters, from kingfishers to moths, from owls to orangutans – we have had the joy of some amazing encounters in the UK and around the world. I like how these crystalline moments give me back perspective on what matters and reminds me how we are all a small part of a precious planetary system that we need to take care of.