Oct 18 2015

Thinking about careers can be exciting, but also a bit scary.  At university, there’s an ocean of possibility in front of you: it’s sometimes hard to know where to start. Should I pursue a career in the law?  Am I a scientist?  A policy maker? A teacher? A banker?

You might have a really clear idea of what your next steps might be, or you might not: don’t worry if you don’t!  The really important thing is that you’re able to make intelligent decisions about your career – that you know what’s out there, what you need to get jobs that interest you, and that you prepare yourself for the time ahead.

The Careers and Employability Service is here to help. One big way we’ve done this over the past twelve months is by extending our award winning micro-placements scheme: we’re working with 10 academic departments already to offer short but intensive placements in many sectors so you can get tailored and specific experience on the kind of jobs you want.  If you don’t know what kind of job you want, our micro-placements let you find out more about different employers without a major time investment.  With increased investment this year, we’re extending the scheme across more departments and targeting niche employers, creating additional job opportunities for you.  You can find out more about the micro-placement scheme on our website.

Employers at Graduate Programmes Fair 2015

Our Graduate Programmes Fair is bigger and better than ever this year, with some fantastic companies on campus to talk about their graduate schemes

I’m also pleased to say that you’ll be hearing from us a lot more this year. We’re creating new roles in our team to improve how we communicate with you, and to connect with additional employers to deliver more job opportunities to you.  Our programme of employability events is only going to improve with this new investment, and we’ll be bringing in even more employers right here on campus. We’ll have more events like our Graduate Programmes Fair on 28 October, where we’ve got loads of great employers on campus to talk about their graduate schemes, which could be a fast track into launching your career.

Liz Wilkinson Director of Careers and Employability