May 17 2020
Last Sunday (10 May) the Prime Minister provided an update on the UK’s coronavirus (Covid-19) recovery strategy and the updated information means that the majority of us should continue to stay at home, wherever possible.

Over the coming months, the government will introduce a range of adjustments to current social distancing controls, timing these according to both the current spread of the virus and the government’s ability to ensure safety. These adjustments will come in steps. The first step took effect on 13 May and the approaches announced will last until at least 1 June 2020. You can find updated information and FAQs relating to this period on the student intranet

These last few weeks have made many of us realise how important it is to have direct contact with family, friends and colleagues. However, I believe we’ve also experienced what technology can offer us, the doors it can open and how it can make new experiences more accessible. As we continue to adapt to this new normal, please take advantage of the virtual events on offer to take a break from your studies. Below there are links to events taking place to virtually celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week. This year's theme is kindness and during these uncertain times it is important we remember to be kind to others and ourselves. 

Professor Paul Layzell