Jan 28 2019
I’m Jack, your VP Education at the Students’ Union. An important part of my role is ensuring your academic interests are being represented to the College and over the last few months we’ve made lots of improvements, as a result of listening to your feedback on these issues.
This is the first academic year that we have witnessed the revamped academic representation system since launching our review over 12 months ago, and the impacts that reps have produced are wide ranging to say the least. Reps have worked on getting deadlines extended, ensuring that feedback policy is implemented and getting lecturers to provide consistent clarity on feedback, as well as putting money back in students’ pockets!
Amplifying your student voice has been a key aim of this academic year so as well as ensuring clarity in parity in the academic rep elections; we have also been getting involved in departmental reviews, providing direct communication between students and the College regarding the academic restructure and supporting our academic reps with the skills to best represent you.
Study spaces are always going to be a priority for students at university and, whilst there is still room for improvement (pun certainly intended), this year has seen an increase in the spaces available! Crucially, and in my opinion most importantly, this academic year has seen the return of Founder’s Reading Room, returning the character of the university and adding in 96 extra study spaces!

To focus on the areas that matter to you, we need to hear from you, so please do get in touch with anything I can help you with!

Another way you can use your student voice is through completing your student survey. These surveys are one of the main ways that the College and Students’ Union gathers feedback to inform changes that improve your student experience and the campus environment.
Jack O’Neill
VP Education
Students' Union