Sep 30 2019
I hope you have had a good first week of term and have enjoyed discovering all of the activities we offer. As lectures begin and you immerse yourself in your academic studies, it is important to consider your wellbeing and how you maintain a healthy lifestyle. This is key to academic success and making the most of your university experience. It is important to have equal daily amounts of rest, study and social time, including keeping fit and active.  

If you do experience personal or academic challenges that are affecting your health and wellbeing, I encourage you to seek help and advice. Royal Holloway is a close knit and supportive community and we offer a wide range of services to help you if you begin to feel overwhelmed. If you would like to talk to someone, please contact our Student Advisory and Wellbeing team. On the student intranet, you can find out more about all the services we offer, guidance on maintaining your wellbeing and more information about the services provided by our Student Advisory and Wellbeing teams.

Being part of a community also means that we look out for one other. If you are concerned about the health and wellbeing of anyone in our community, please contact our Wellbeing team.

The start of the academic year is an exciting time for everyone. I hope that you will make the most of it, in a safe and responsible way, so that you can fully embrace the demands of the course you have chosen to study.


Professor Paul Layzell